I am a Jesus pusher!!! Our view of the man’s structure is important. A person is not a whole person without his body; a person is not a whole person without the inner life God breathed into him. Therefore, man is a dichotomy in structure consisting of his body and inner life. This is vividly demonstrated for us in the physical resurrection of Jesus as well as in the promise of our own personal resurrection. The body is not something to be discarded in the eternal state. It is not a temporary dwelling place for inner life as a tin can is a container for food. The body and inner life are paired together to form who we are. God created my personality and inner life; He did not casually place my inner life in just any “body.” He tailor made my body to match my personality and inner life (Psalms 139). I am a matched set!
Medical doctors recognize the intimate connection between the physical body and the inner spirit. The physical sickness of the body can easily affect the attitude and response of the inner spirit. Likewise the state of the spirit can bring sickness to the body. One of the mysteries of redemption is the focus on redeeming the physical world. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body (Romans 8:22-23). Man is not just a body or just a spirit (soul); He is the combination of the two. Both need redemption and both live eternally. I give both my spirit and body to Jesus. I am committed Jesus pusher!!!