I am a Jesus pusher!!! It is not a job; it is an obsession. It is not a means to an end; it is a passion. I am not compelled by results; I am constrained by Him. I am not a con man attempting to manipulate situations for my benefit; I am captured by His love. I do not see people as individuals to entrap; I am compelled to embrace them because of Him. I do not have a self agenda; I have a Christ agenda. I am not performing before an audience; I am a lover. I am not an entertainer looking for applause; I am dancing with the God of the universe. He has come to indwell me. I am a Jesus pusher!!!
I am overwhelmed. I am standing on my tip toes stretching to grasp all that is found in Him. I am like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. I feel like a small child who has fallen into a swimming pool of chocolate; my only prayer is “please enlarge my capacity.” I view the greatness of His person and know I have only begun in to discover who He is. As I am cradled in His arms, I realize the wonder of this love has only begun to penetrate my life. Every thought is captured by His presence. The very intent of my motive has become engulfed with His desires. My very body appetites are dominated by His presence. The craving of my heart is to know His mind. My desire is that He enlarges my heart with His wisdom. I want the mind of Christ.
I am a Jesus pusher!!! I am obsessed, possessed, mastered, dominated, addicted, caught up, thrilled, ecstatic, awestruck, and overwhelmed with Him. Would you please look at Him with me? Even a glance will capture you. Stop where you are and let Him draw you to Himself. I am a Jesus pusher!!!