I am a Jesus pusher!!! Immediately after the Beatitudes, Jesus begins an explanation of the formed Kingdom. The Old Covenant was introduced with God descending upon Mt. Sinai. The Israelites had a frightening experience “knocking them out of their senses.” God gave them the Ten Commandments. Jesus, the King of the Kingdom, introduced the Kingdom of Heaven with the eight Beatitudes. The Ten Commandments were the Law written on tablets of stone; the eight Beatitudes are written on the fleshly tablets of the heart (Jeremiah 31:33). This is not the observance of the Law, but the realization of that Law by the Spirit!
The Ten Commandments in the Old Covenant were preceded by a Prologue (Exodus 19). The Eight Beatitudes are followed by an Epilogue (Matthew 5:13-48). This Epilogue begins with a clarification of the “state” of the child of the Kingdom (Matthew 5:13-16). If there is any confusion concerning the Kingdom of Heaven not being a reward for keeping the law, it is immediately made plain. Jesus adds a variety of images to help us. What is this “state” of being for the children of the Kingdom? It is salt (Matthew 5:13). The essence of salt is its flavor, but if it loses its flavor nothing comes from serving salt. It is light (Matthew 5:14-16). A light shines in darkness; it is not what it does, but what it is! Both of these images speak “state of being.” They take place because of who we are in Him! In other words, we are helpless but Jesus makes the difference in our lives. I am a contented Jesus pusher!!!