I am a Jesus pusher!!! In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus acclaimed a change in the Old Covenant. The Law proposed abstinence from the activity of murder. Judgment focused on those who did a murderous deed (Matthew 5:21). What about anger? How important is reconciliation with my brother who has something against me? Should I agree with my adversary? This is the law on a whole new level! It is internalized and intensified. The Kingdom of Heaven is a state of love. We dwell in His nature (Matthew 5:21-25).
The Old Covenant took pride in not committing adultery. Conquering the sexual drive of the body so as not to commit the act is the highest level of the old. But the child of the Kingdom has the mind of Christ. Men and women must see each other through the eyes of Christ. This applies to all of our body drives. The body must be a servant to the indwelling King (Matthew 5:27-30). This internalizes and intensifies the Old Covenant.
Marriage in the reality of the Kingdom is extremely different from the old approach. Those of old looked for an easy escape from marriage. Jesus said the reason for this viewpoint is “hardness of your hearts,” meaning “destitution of spiritual perception” (Matthew 19:8). It has to do with stubbornness and obstinacy. The old standard was self-centered and self-serving. Jesus, the King of the Kingdom, gives us a redemptive attitude toward our spouse (Matthew 5:32-33). This internalizes and intensifies the marriage vows. I am a Jesus pusher!!!