I am a Jesus pusher!!! Is it true that you become like those you associate with the most? Do you remember the classic story of years gone by? There was a man’s face which had been carved on the side of the mountain. It was created by nature. Over the years s legend developed that on occasion an actual man appeared who looked like the face on the mountain. A local boy heard the story and longed to see the man with such a face. Year after year he searched the face of every stranger who came to their town and compared it with the face on the mountain. By the time he reached his teen years he was dismayed. No one seemed to match the face on the mountain. Time quickly passed as he married and related the story to his own children. In old age, he wondered if he would ever see the man who resembled the face on the mountain. One day the people of the town looked at him and pointed to the mountain. They exclaimed, “You have the face of the man on the mountain!” Staring so long at the man of the mountain, he had become that man.
Oh, to be so absorbed into Jesus that I become like Him. Oh, for the cleft of His chin to become mine. Could I get so close to Him and become such a part of Him that I become like Him? Could who He is become who I am? I do not desire to be God; I am not speaking of power or fame. Could I have His attitude, reflect His glory, or display His beauty? Can all that He is be in all that I am; so that I can manifest all He is? If this is true my whole being can become a Jesus pusher!!!