I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus highlights three specific applications for life (Matthew 6). These three areas become the focus of every world religion. The three areas are “charitable deeds,” “prayer,” and “fasting.” “Charitable deeds” is the consideration of materialism. “Prayer” points to our relationship with God. “Fasting” highlights the relationship of the physical to the spiritual. In each discussion Jesus begins with the negative approach and then moves to the positive explanation.
Jesus begins with charitable deeds (Matthew 6:1-4). His proposal is very clear from the start. The Greek word “dikaiosune,” translated charitable deeds, in verse one is different from the Greek word “eleemosune,” translated charitable deeds, in verses two, three, and four. “Dikaiosune” is the “state” commanded by God and standing the test of His judgment. It is most often translated “righteousness.” “Eleemosune” comes from “eleemon,” which is translated mercy. It is used thirteen times in the New Testament and is exclusively used for charitable deeds. Jesus begins speaking of charitable deeds with the word “righteousness.” Every charitable deed must be seen in light of the nature of Jesus. What does the heart of God feel about this deed? Immediately Matthew makes us aware that the important thing is not the observance or the giving of money to help the poor. It is about the motive of the Kingdom, the nature of our King. If an individual follows the exact instructions of Jesus, and follows the proper mode of giving alms, he will not have the Kingdom. The heartbeat of the King must be experienced in every deed. I am one with Him in sharing with others. I am a Jesus pusher in the charitable deeds of my life!!!