I am a Jesus pusher!!! In the final statement of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus begins with “The Statute of the Standard” (Matthew 7:1-6). This has to do with how you view your fellowman. All other moral systems focus on self-discipline, self-denial, and self-effort. Once mastered, you are able to compare yourself with others. This was the condition of the Jews of Jesus’ day. The Law developed into six hundred and thirteen oral traditions. The Pharisees dedicated their lives to accomplishment and observance of these traditions. The nature of their moral system led them to judging others. Competition, superiority, and condemnation occurred in their relationships. They developed elitism. They stressed only the activities that did not tempt them. We do the same thing. For instance, those of us who are overweight may openly criticize those who smoke. Some rent movies to watch at home but actively criticize those who attend the theaters. Those who have been baptized in one mode criticize others who have are baptized in another mode. Those who prefer hymns criticize those who worship with choruses. Those who dress in one style criticize those who have another fashion. The list is too long to continue.
Do you realize the freedom Jesus proposes in the Sermon on the Mount? I am not measuring you or myself. We are both focused on Him! There is no competition between us. We are not performers; we are lovers of Jesus. Our goal is not to correct or judge your performance but to help you embrace Jesus. Nothing concerns us except the flow of the Kingdom among us. I am the Jesus pusher!!!