by Stephen Manley
I am a Jesus pusher!! Jesus raises the issue of “source” (Matthew 7:7-8). If none of my energy is spent in criticizing, judging, condemning, or comparing myself to others, how will I spend my time? The opposite of judging is “seeking!” Seeking, openness, desiring, hungering, knocking, and asking become the core of my existence. Of course, in the Kingdom of Heaven my seeking is focused on Jesus! Jesus begins this section by stating the attitude of responding (Matthew 7:7-8). Then He illustrates this statement with a story of a father and son (Matthew 7:9-11). Therefore, the conclusion of this responsive attitude is Jesus’ fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 7:12). Everything God wanted to accomplish in the Old Covenant will be fulfilled and accomplished in this embrace of Jesus, the Kingdom of Heaven.
While this way may be narrow, it is not difficult to find. Jesus ends this section with a contrast between the narrow gate and the wide gate (Matthew 7:13-14). The idea of narrow comes from the concept of being confined. It refers to obstacles surrounding and confining the area. If one is seeking, knocking, and asking through the focus of the moral performance system, it is impossible to locate. But in the Kingdom of Heaven, if you are seeking, knocking, and asking while focused on Jesus, there is a guaranteed finding. If you “ask, I guarantee it will be given you,” (Matthew 7:7). In other words, ingrained in the very “asking” is the receiving. If you will “seek,” I guarantee you will find” (Matthew 7:7). Ingrained in the “seeking” is the finding. You can read it, “If you will seek, you will be found.” The same is true of “knocking.” There is no way to miss the Kingdom. Jesus is the Kingdom; I am a Jesus pusher!!!