I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus moves the discussion in the Sermon on the Mount from a physically focused activity to a relationally focused activity (Matthew 7:9-11). He refers to a father and son relationship. Within this relationship is the constant care and concern of the father. He is not selfish; he does not withhold from his son. He does not play mean tricks on his offspring. If his son needs bread and asks for it, the father does not give him a stone (Matthew 7:9). The same is true if the son asks for a fish, the father does not give him a serpent (Matthew 7:10). The parallel is simple. If this is true in an earthly relationship, how much more is it true with our heavenly Father (Matthew 7:11)? If we ask, seek, or knock, He will give, find, and open.
Therefore, the fundamental principle of Kingdom living is not performing, doing, and accomplishing; it is asking, seeking, and knocking. If the Law and the Prophets pointed to and prepared us for the Kingdom of Heaven, this fulfills them (Matthew 7:12). Everything we need is in Jesus, and He desperately wants to be our supply. Therefore, live a life of asking, seeking, and knocking, focusing all on Jesus.
This automatically affects your relationship with your fellowman. The good gifts you seek from your heavenly Father will be what you want for your fellowman. We find all of this in Jesus. I am a man with one focus; I am a Jesus pusher!!!