I am a Jesus pusher!!! In the last four verses of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus describes the Kingdom of Heaven in its relationship to the foundation of life. It is a parable. He pictures life with all of its difficulties; in fact, there is no life without storms. The options suggested by the story are not life with difficulties versus life without difficulties. It is failing versus not failing. Jesus clearly states the perimeters of the story. The story describes, “whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them” (Matthew 7:24) versus “everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them,” (Matthew 7:26). When we view these statements as presented in the English translation, we are drawn again to the trap of accomplishment.
The Greek word “poieo,” translated does, introducing this parable (Matthew 7:24) is used again in the middle of this parable (Matthew 7:26). This is the identical Greek word “poieo,” translated bears, which Jesus used in the illustration of trees and fruit (Matthew 7:17-19). The clearest picture of this word “poieo,” translated “doing,” is found in a “tree bearing fruit.” No one ever says, “This tree is doing fruit.” Trees do not do fruit; trees bear fruit! It is a result of the inner nature of the tree. Trees are not following a list of rules or commandments; they respond to the urging of their inner state of being. Their fruit is not the result of a long road of activities for which they can be proud. It is the result of the inner condition of their being for which they are thankful. This describes the inner relationship of Jesus and the believer. Jesus is the source and life by which we live! This is the foundation of life that endures storms. I am a Jesus pusher!!!