I am a Jesus pusher!!! Circumstances, regardless of what they are, become the instrument through which the blessed state is experienced. If you are poor in spirit (helpless), this becomes the means by which you embrace blessed. This attitude to some degree controls and determines what kind of circumstances you experience. The essence of this state of blessed can only happen in one who totally loses his life to Jesus in helplessness.
For instance, the poor in spirit (helpless) is never found or admitted among the proud and haughty. Those who mourn are only among those broken before Jesus. The self-sufficient never experience this state. You will never find those who are meek in the congregation of the self-righteous. The self-confident, those who are masters of their own destiny, never hunger and thirst after righteousness. The legalistic, who are always right, are never merciful and do not realize they need mercy. Those who are their own god never experience purity of heart and never see God. They have no vision beyond themselves. Persecution comes only to those who are vulnerable and risk pouring out their lives to others. The self-centered exert their energy protecting themselves. They never experience the Kingdom; they are never blessed.
Are you tired of being controlled by your circumstances? Jesus must control you! Are you exhausted by your state of circumstances? Jesus must be your new state; dwell in Him. I am a Jesus pusher!!!