I am a Jesus pusher!!! Many people have attempted to add to the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount. Do we have the potential of copying or adding to Jesus’ stated pattern in the Beatitudes? What other “attitudes” could we add to the “Beatitudes?” Is it an exhaustive list or just a suggestion? When looking at life are there vast areas of living not covered in the Beatitudes? Is additional insight and instructions required for the Kingdom of God?
For instance, can we add “love?” Isn’t love the uniting and integrating of all eight Beatitudes? If “love” is listed as a separate beatitude, that destroys the necessity of all eight. If “love” were added to the Beatitudes, we would consider it separate from the other eight. But “love” is the combination of all of them in unity. If “holiness” were added to the Beatitudes, it would separate it from the flow of all eight Beatitudes. Holiness is the nature of God. Are not all of these Beatitudes an ingredient of such a nature? Jesus stated every possibility in the eight Beatitudes, and I believe them to be complete. Everyone in the Kingdom experiences the eight Beatitudes at the same time because they experience Jesus! They are blessed! I am a blessed Jesus pusher!!!