I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus begins the Beatitudes by congratulating those who are poor! We must understand that the opening focus of this state of blessedness is our beginning point. Poor is the Greek word “ptochos.” It comes from a verb meaning “to shrink, cower, or cringe.” This was characteristic of the beggars in Jesus’ day. The word refers to any person reduced to total destitution or helplessness. He trembles over being totally destitute of all life’s necessities. He is reduced to crouching in a corner and begging. He holds out one hand for alms as he covers his face with the other hand. He is ashamed of being recognized. This term does not mean simply poor, but begging poor.
Contrasted with this word is “penichros.” It is used for ordinary poverty such as the widow Jesus saw giving an offering in the Temple (Luke 21:2). She had very little (two small copper coins). She was poor but not a beggar. One who is “penichros” has some meager resources. But one who is “ptochos” is completely dependent on others for sustenance. He has absolutely no means of self-support. Jesus congratulates us on being in this condition in our spirit. The focus is not on materialism but on the spiritual. We respond to Jesus from this position. It allows Him to flow His resource in and through us. I am responding to Him in my weakness; He is my strength. I am a Jesus pusher!!!