I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the poor in spirit” is our condition. The destitute-helplessness contained in being poor, is located in the spirit of man. Every attitude is determined by this driving awareness of helplessness. My first response to being possessed by such awareness is rejection. If you truly feel this way deep in your inner heart, you will live in constant fear. Such an individual will never accomplish anything. You will cower in the face of every obstacle. You will be labeled as having a psychological condition you need to overcome. But what if this helplessness is not a psychological state but is the truth? What if we are absolutely helpless in our spiritual condition? What if all of our physical successes in business, materialism, athletics, education, and many other fields of endeavor only serve to distract us from this simple bottom line of life? We are totally helpless. What if all our pride is only “make-up” applied to old scars? We cover up what is really there; we pretend we are strong, able, and conquering. In reality, we are weak, helpless, and failing.
Is this the message needed for our hour? It seems that in the midst of the despair and chaos of our lives, we need a message of encouragement. We can make it; we are able to accomplish the task; we will win the victory. The message of encouragement is found in Jesus. He is the answer! I am a Jesus pusher!!!