I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the poor in spirit” points me to Jesus. This is the truth of this Beatitude. I am totally helpless and destitute. I am full of dead men’s bones; I am blind. This is the state in which I dwell. It is in this reality I can clearly see Jesus. But I am a “fixer.” How can I go about fixing others when I am so broken ourselves? Ministry will shift from what I have learned, my skills, and my abilities to His flow. I will become an avenue for Him to demonstrate Himself to others. I must cease to be a performer to be admired and become the hands of Jesus to my world.
But I am “self-sourced.” How can I possibly be self-sourced when I am so empty? When I operate out of myself, I live out of helplessness and despair. Why would I want to permeate the world around me with such a source? Jesus can source me! If I see the helplessness of my own self-sourcing, it will drive me to Him. How can I ever go back to such death and repulsive filth? My “poverty” becomes the clarity by which I see Him: He is all I need.
But it is just “who I am.” How can I possibly remain who I am when I am filled with such poverty? Will I not run to embrace the One who can make me different? The helpless state of who I am becomes the springboard that launches me into who He is. I must live in Him. Congratulations! I am helpless, destitute, and poor. Jesus is my one need! I am a Jesus pusher!!!