I am a Jesus pusher!!! In the Book of Acts, Peter is moved upon by the Holy Spirit to explain Pentecost. His explanation is Jesus. He pushes Jesus! He explains that Jesus of Nazareth, a Man, was sourced by the Spirit of God as the one hundred and twenty disciples have just experienced. As Jesus was sourced by the Father, so we can now be sourced by Jesus. Sourcing has to do with what causes you. In fact, Peter boldly stated that God sourced the life of Jesus: “Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst as you yourselves also know,” (Acts 2:22). “Miracles, wonders, and signs” have to do with activities, attitudes, and manner of life. Everything about the life of Jesus is sourced by God. According to the dictionary “sourcing” has to do with what “causes, creates, or initiates.” In the world of physics it means “the point or part of a system where energy or mass is added to the system.” What is at the heart of your being which causes you to be as you are?
I am a Jesus pusher!!! I do not live out of myself. I have long since discovered my thinking is completely inadequate for the problems of life; I want to be sourced by the wisdom of the Spirit of Jesus. Self-control has brought nothing but collapse in my life. The temptations of my world have laughed at my feeble efforts to discipline myself. Is it possible to possess a different kind of control, the Spirit of Jesus? A fruit of His sourcing is “self-control.” Oh, I want Jesus to spill forth from every aspect of my living. I want to be a Jesus pusher!!!