I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” (Matthew 5:3). This location of poverty is where we discover the disaster of sin. Instead of allowing God to source him in his helplessness, man depends on himself. This is the demonic nature of self-centered carnality. Man enters into the kingdom of darkness as he lives out of himself. What a tragedy! The issue is rather simple. I am either linked with the Spirit of Jesus or linked with the demonic nature. Jesus either sources me or I am sourced by the devil. This is the deciding factor between the Christian and the non-Christian.
The demonic sourcing allows me to deny my helplessness. I live out of my ego, rights, and abilities. I strengthen my abilities in physical areas giving me the appearance of success. All the time, at the heart of my spirit, I am helpless. This helplessness appears in my broken relationships, affects my attitude, and demonstrates itself in my mannerisms. I attempt to compensate and overcome this state of helplessness through self. I can always find someone who is not doing as well as I am in an attempt to cover my helplessness. I excel in physical and academic areas, giving me a sense of worth. I contribute to my self-worth by grabbing for position and power over others. All the while, at the heart of my life, I am helpless. “Helpless” is not something to get over, but to embrace. We live in the state of helplessness embracing Jesus as our source. This is the Kingdom of Heaven! Jesus is my source! I am a Jesus pusher!!!