I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” (Matthew 5:3). The location of the poor in spirit in the list of Beatitudes is important. It is significant that the first and the last Beatitudes contain the phrase, “For theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3; 10). All the other beatitudes include, “comforted,” “inherit,” “filled,” “mercy,” “see God,” and “sons of God.” These are all aspects of living in the Kingdom. They are aspects of intimacy with Jesus! The foundational state of this relationship is my helplessness. As my helplessness embraces Jesus, I experience the Kingdom in my life.
The opposite of this embrace is “pride.” The heart of sin is “I.” No one filled with “self-sourcing” is a part of the Kingdom. The door to the Kingdom is low, and no one who stands tall will ever go through it. Jesus cannot make me worthy until I recognize my unworthiness. He cannot fill me until I realize I am empty. His life cannot be mine until I admit I am dead. This is the basic state of my relationship with Jesus. “Blessed are the poor in spirit.”
In our modern day theology, we find little emphasis on death to self-centeredness. Our Christian books are filled with self-helps. We focus on happiness, how to have a good marriage, and steps to recovery. Deny self and take up your cross does not seem to be popular. We focus on success not death to pride. Yet this is the message of Jesus. It is the first step to the Kingdom; in fact, it is the only step! “Poor in spirit” precedes everything else. I am responding to Jesus. I am a Jesus pusher!!!