I am a Jesus pusher!!! “How do we become poor in spirit” (Matthew 5:3)? This question spills forth from pride and self-sourcing. If we can “do” this, we are not helpless. Monasticism, asceticism, physical self-denial, mutilation are all foolish and futile attempts. They only increase pride rather than subdue it. Anything that gives us a reason to boast in what we have done or not done pushes us further from poor in spirit. Self-sourcing is a trap. Any attempt of self to deliver itself from self-sourcing only produces more self-sourcing. Martin Luther had a daily list of things to do and not do. Every day he failed in some aspects of the list. Finally the day came when he realized he measured up and had accomplished everything on his lists. That is when his elation turned to horror, for he knew he had committed the worst of all sins, “pride.”
Therefore, there is no list of steps to take, methods to master, or techniques to learn. We are helpless, poor in spirit. Jesus must move on our lives. But this is the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus says that He is here. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand; will you respond? In seeing my poverty, I can now embrace Jesus as my Source. Response is not a “doing” activity; yet, it involves the act of my will to participate. Jesus came to them; they did not come to Him. Jesus delivered the message; they did not discover it. Jesus taught them; they did not teach Him. His coming brings revelation of our helplessness. The answer is found only in Jesus. I am a Jesus pusher!!!