I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” (Matthew 5:3). Jesus congratulates us for existing in the state of poor in spirit. It is not a temporary state; it must continually be embraced in order that His resource might fill us! In the embrace of our helplessness and His person, we become the Kingdom of Heaven. One of the beautiful pictures of this posture is found in the Pauline theology of “in Christ” and “Christ in.” This concept is dominant in Paul’s writings; it is a central theme.
The bumper sticker slogan of Christianity is Christ in you (Colossians 1:27). In the midst of my helpless state, Jesus comes. He does not rescue me from my helplessness. He does not give me resource apart from Himself. He does not place resource in an account where I can draw on it when needed. He places me in Himself and Himself in me. It is in this embrace I experience adequate life in my helplessness. It is the old picture of the hand inside the glove. The glove is helpless without the hand; the glove is helpless with the hand. It is not about the glove; it is about the hand. The hand empowers the glove in the midst of its helplessness. The Trinity created me to be helpless and dependent on Jesus. This is my permanent posture; this is where I live!
Why would I attempt to be something that I am not? Why would I credit to myself that which I cannot do? Jesus is my only hope! I am a Jesus pusher!!!