I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted,” (Matthew 5:4). How can anyone possibly highlight and promote “poverty” and “mourning” as desirable? Can there be a major problem with the perception of our world? From the wicked individual to the most religious, riches, joy, and laughter are desired qualities. Is there something wrong with the nature of all individuals that causes us to place value on things of lesser value? Have the most valuable things of the heart been demeaned in light of physical and emotional comfort of the flesh?
Why do the world religious systems promote a reward structure that focuses on comfort, ease and pleasure? Jesus proposed a different approach. Congratulations! You are absolutely helpless, destitute, and poor in spirit. It is within the confines of this helplessness you experience all that is available in the Kingdom of Heaven. Congratulations! You are mourning. As you are overcome with the spirit of mourning, you will embrace the comfort of life. You are comforted within the boundaries of mourning. Congratulations! You are crucified. It is while you are being crucified that you live. The moment you escape the cross, death overcomes you. Life is found in dying; the Kingdom of Heaven is embraced in helplessness; comfort of the soul comes in mourning. None of these are rewards, or even by-products. They are engrained within the state of being poor in spirit, the state of those who mourn. Jesus is the only explanation for such thoughts. It is in the state of helplessness and mourning, we are able to totally embrace Him. I am a Jesus pusher!!!