I am a Jesus pusher!!! To speak of Jesus is to speak of the source of life. He does not give me life; He is life. Peter explained it to a crowd of Jews on the day of Pentecost. Jesus of Nazareth, a Man, is the explanation of what is taking place in one hundred and twenty disciples. Pentecost is all about the sourcing of God within the human being. Jesus was clearly the supreme example of such sourcing. God sourced the very life of Jesus (Acts 2:22). But Peter continues with a startling fact, an encouraging fact. God also sourced the death of Jesus: “Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God you have taken by lawless hands and put to death,” (Acts 2:23).
Could I be so completely sourced by Jesus He not only causes my life, but He also plans and causes my death? This changes death from the scary, frightening unknown to the secure, confident embrace of His person. Death ceases to be the wasted life, a tragic end. It becomes the fulfillment, valuable, and held in high esteem. Death becomes ministry as we accomplish His will. Jesus’ death has eternal significance because it is sourced by God. Can my death be used by God to fulfill His plan?
I am a Jesus pusher! I desire a life upon and through which He demonstrates Himself. I desire a death through which He can fulfill His plan. “Please Jesus, source me with Your life. May I not live, yet I am alive. May You live through me. Please push Your life and death through me. In my life and death I will be a Jesus pusher!!!”