I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). Everything that applies to poor in spirit (the first Beatitude) also applies to mourning (the second Beatitude). We cannot choose the areas of life where we will embrace poverty. We cannot decide to be helpless is one area while we let our pride and self-sourcing rule in other areas. Based on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, this is not possible. He says poverty is in spirit and is the heart of every area of living. We are helpless at the core of our existence, thus, our living is permeated with helplessness.
If our understanding is complete, we see our helplessness as a journey. At any given moment we are completely helpless. As our awareness of our helplessness expands, so does our embrace and response to this helplessness, and our mourning parallels this expansion. In this sense, we are always total and complete. Jesus exposes who we are as He reveals who He is. The more I embrace Him and His revelation, the more I realize my need and I “mourn.” Jesus is the answer to realizing my need as well as satisfying my need. I am a Jesus pusher!!!