I am a Jesus pusher!!! Before Adam fell in the Garden of Eden, he was the ideal picture of man. His sin caused all of that to change. Now Jesus is the picture of the ideal man, and He verifies and reveals God’s intent and dream. When man is aware of his poverty in spirit, he fully embraces God’s sourcing. There is no arrogance, pride , or self-sourcing. Man is complete in the fullness of the Spirit and fulfills God’s design. Adam and Eve were created to live this way and did so until the fall. Jesus, the Second Adam, lived this way!
However, this has not been true for us. Sin entered the picture. Sin is not a deed or activity; sin is the denial of our helplessness. Let’s return to the illustration of the glove. The glove is totally helpless. Its condition is not one of partial poverty; it is absolute. Man’s creation by God parallels this example. Man within himself is totally helpless; therefore he is totally dependent on God. God is the hand who now fills him and man finds purpose in this filling. Imagine the glove deciding to source itself. In rebellion to the hand, the glove acts independently. What arrogance! This is the heart of sin. Sin is not a deed or activity; sin is the denial of helplessness and a rejection of Jesus’ sourcing. In reality, we have all rejected Jesus as our source. We have all sinned! On this level, we must all mourn. The stupidity of our arrogant independence from Jesus demands a continual state of mourning. Such a state should repel us from all self-sourcing and drive us to dependence on Jesus. We are constantly repulsed by any appearance of pride and self-acclamation. We mourn what we have been and are driven to never choose such a state again. It presses us to Jesus. I am a Jesus pusher!!!