I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). It is necessary to note that the Greek verb “parakaleo,” translated shall be comforted, is in the passive voice. This proposes the fact that the subject is not responsible for the action of the verb. Those who embrace their helpless state and mourn shall be comforted. “Comfort” will come because they are acted on. It comes from outside ourselves; after all we are helpless.
There is reality to embrace. Comfort is not intrinsic in the mourning. Surely all understand this. You must not focus on the mourning. You must not say, “I must mourn in order to receive comfort.” You cannot earn comfort; it will never be merited. Do not imagine God patiently waits for you to perform poverty, do the right activities, or reach the proper level in order to reward you with comfort. Comfort is not a reward, payment, or merit. If you could achieve mourning, you would still lack comfort. Comfort is not in mourning; comfort is in Jesus. Mourning is the posture of our lives when acknowledging our helplessness. This position allows Jesus to come to our lives in His full comforting Spirit. The solution is not mourning; the solution is the Spirit of Jesus. No wonder I am a Jesus pusher!!!