I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). If comfort is really a Person, it is relational. Those who embrace their helplessness are in the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who mourn experience comfort. If the Kingdom of Heaven is Jesus, the comfort is Jesus. In the embrace of the Spirit of Jesus I find resource for living. The Greek word “parakaleo,” translated shall be comforted, points to the Spirit of Jesus. Jesus uses the noun form of this word as a title for His Spirit, the Comforter. The passive voice of this word points to the Spirit of Jesus acting on us to bring comfort. We can take no credit for the comfort. It comes only through His embrace.
The mood of this verb (parakaleo) is the indicative, which is a simple statement of fact. It is not “maybe” as in the subjunctive. It is not a “command” as in the imperative. It is a simple statement of reality. Here is the truth of the matter. Jesus does not present arguments; He does not debate. As King of the Kingdom of Heaven, He boldly proclaims the fact of the state! We must make a decision concerning His offer. We can live in the pitiful actions of self-sourcing out of helplessness or we can be filled with Jesus, our Source. In this relationship, the Kingdom of Heaven is formed; we experience comfort. Pride seems to be the great deterrent to this fulfillment. Logically it makes little sense to live out of weakness when such strength is available. When we view the advantages and disadvantages, there is only one conclusion. I am responding to the coming of Jesus; I am a Jesus pusher!!!