I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the meek,” (Matthew 5:5). We must clarify the definition of meekness. What is the exact quality we are discussing? The Greek word “prautes,” translated meek, bespeaks a quiet and gentle spirit. This is contrasted with the proud and arrogant Scribes and Pharisees. In years gone by the English word for “gentleman” expressed the clear meaning of meek, but has long since lost its meaning. Our English word “meek” comes from the old Anglo-Saxon word “meca.” It means a companion or equal. The one who is meek or gentle will associate with all mankind. He has no feelings of superiority; he knows what he has spiritually or temporally he has received from the goodness of God.
The focus of the Greek word “prautes,” translated meek is God. Primarily it means inward grace of the soul, not outward expression of feeling. It is calmness toward God. It is the atmosphere of the heart accepting God’s dealings, seeing them as good in that they enhance closeness in relationship with Him. It is the ability to see all the circumstances of life through the lens of Jesus. This person does no dispute or resist but accepts and embraces. You and I are lifted to a new level of confidence and security in Christ. This level of living expresses itself in all our relationships with each other. We are an expression of meekness, our confidence in Jesus. I am a Jesus pusher!!!