I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the meek,” (Matthew 5:5). One of the great misunderstandings of the English term “meek” is its attachment to weakness. Many view meekness as a lack of courage or timidity. The weakling bows in meekness before the bully because he has no choice. But this is not the condition of the Beatitude. If the first Beatitude which declares my helplessness is my dwelling place, this might be true. But I embrace my weakness with mourning as in the second Beatitude. Mourning is my response to Jesus who is sourcing me. All the resource of Jesus is now present in my being. There is no lack of power. This Greek word “prautes,” translated meek, was used by the Greeks to describe a horse that had been broken. It refers to power under control.
Jesus is the pure demonstration of the Spirit-sourced man. He declared Himself as “I am gentle (meek) and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11:29). His life was a demonstration of power and might. Demons tremble in His presence; death is revoked by His word. He lives in the sequence of the first three Beatitudes. His meekness is an expression of the Spirit who sourced Him. In His helplessness, Jesus mourned. His mourning is the uniting of His helplessness to the Spirit of His Father. This brings about great power, which can never be used for self-interest or self-assertion. He fulfills the plan of God. This is the picture of your life in Christ. I am a Jesus pusher!!!