August 22, 2016
I am a Jesus pusher!!! In the full view of the Old and New Testaments, the concept of inherit becomes very important. There are three Greek words coming from this word group. “Kleronomeo” is the Greek word for our Beatitude. It is the verb meaning, “to receive an inheritance.” “Kleronomia” is a noun referring to the actual inheritance of possession. “Kleronomos” is a noun referring to the heir who receives the inheritance.
Paul is the New Testament writer who most effectively deals with this subject. In reality the Jewish Christians wanted Gentiles to become Jews, meaning only Jews could be Christians. Consider his words carefully as he describes “inheritance.” Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “And to your Seed,” who is Christ (Galatians 3:16).
Paul understood the promise of “the land” being given to Abraham and his Seed. This was singular and clearly stated by Paul in reference to Christ. Therefore, all Old Testament references that spoke of “the land” as an inheritance belonged to Jesus. “The land” given to Jesus by the Father is the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom is the union of man with the Spirit of God. This union brings wholeness to both the spiritual and physical. This was the reason for Jesus “congratulating” the poor in spirit, the Kingdom of Heaven. Thank you, Jesus! I am a Jesus pusher!!!