I am a Jesus pusher!!! Each of the Beatitude contains severe language. The Greek word “ptochos,” translated the poor, is the worst picture of poverty; it is begging poor (Matthew 5:3). It is the person who crouches in shame, totally destitute, helpless, and dependent on others. The Greek word “penthountes,” translated, who mourn, is used throughout the Old Testament Septuagint for “lamenting at death” (Matthew 5:4), describing grief too deep for concealment. This word is often joined with the Greek word “klaio,” translated “wee” or “to weep audibly.” We discover the same truth in the “meekness” of the third Beatitude (Matthew 5:5). This was radical for the culture of Jesus’ day. In fact, the entire idea of humility or gentleness was unused by the Greek writers before the Christian era.
Now we come to hunger “peinao” and thirst “dipsao” for righteousness (Matthew 5:6). The equivalent English word for the Greek word “peinao,” is translated “starved” or “famished.” It speaks to the deprivation of the substance needed. These severe terms portray the depth of our need and in the greatness of Jesus’ provision. Think of what the Kingdom of Heaven must be in light of our helplessness. If the “mourning” is grief that cannot be concealed, of what must our comfort consist? Our “inheritance” of exaltation will surely be as high as “meekness” was low! The intensity of our hunger and thirst will be satisfied with an equal filling. Jesus is all of these things for us! I am a Jesus pusher!!!