I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6). What is the RESPONSE of the individual who hungers and thirsts? We do not turn to the resources within to satisfy the hungering or thirsting. Food or water must come from outside the physical being to quench the thirst or satisfy the hunger. Try such an experiment for yourself. Allow your physical structure to satisfy your hunger or thirst for a day. In fact, let nothing external enter your physical body for two days. Extend this experiment to an entire week. You and I do not have the ability within us to either find food or to produce it. We must respond to the raw materials that present themselves to us.
All that feeds, satisfies, and grows our inner spiritual being is found outside of ourselves. Jesus is the supply! Understand our language. Jesus wants to indwell us. He instructed us, “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him” (John 6:56). While He may be within me, supplying every need of my life, He is not “me.” I am not discovering the answer to hunger within the existence of myself. He has come! I am helpless; He is my strength! I am mourning; He is my Comforter! I am proud and self-sufficient; He is my meekness! I am hungry and thirsty; He is my sustenance! He is my all in all! I am a Jesus pusher!!!