I am a Jesus pusher!!! He is the elimination of fear. He does not strain or whistle in the dark. He does not refuse or control emotions. When He is present confidence floods my soul. He is the very essence of assurance. I am not kept by my knowledge of Him or by the spiritual disciplines from His teaching. I am embraced by Him. I am not safe in academic information or data about Him, but in the warmth, oneness, and intimacy of His presence.
The disciples followed Jesus into a boat. If they had only known, it was totally safe to follow Him. They were experienced fishermen who had relied on their skills and training for years. But a seismic storm came their way. It was beyond their ability. They cried out, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” (Matthew 8:25). This awakened Him from His sleep; for He was asleep in the storm. Why could they not be like He was? He arose and rebuked the sea which quickly became calm. They shook their heads in wonder and inquired, “Who can this be?” (Matthew 8:27). The answer is clear! He is a Man who is filled with the Spirit of God (Matthew 3:13-17). In the embrace of the Father He can sleep through any storm.
Could I be like Him? Oh, not because I imitate Him, or develop skills like His. I cannot create in through spiritual disciplines. Christ-likeness comes because as He is resting in the embrace of the Father, so I rest in His embrace. If I could know Him as He knew the Father. Isn’t this the whole point? In knowing Him, I am embraced by His confidence. In being embraced by His confidence, I cease to fear. I think I will join Him and sleep during my seismic storms! I am a Jesus pusher!!!