I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled,” (Matthew 5:6). The DETERMINATION of the state of hunger and thirst identifies us as healthy. This is the normal Christian’s condition. Why would Jesus “congratulate” a person who is not healthy? He paints the picture of a proper relationship with Himself. No wonder this “knocked them out of their senses” (explesso) as expressed at the end of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:28).
We are prone to the opposite of everything Jesus said. We picture the state of blessedness as one who is overweight and obviously well fed. He sits on a throne of power and strength that cannot be challenged. His conditions are so pleasant he has nothing over which to mourn. There is no indication of helplessness. This is a picture of complete self-sourcing and self-sufficiency. Most of us have lived long enough to know by experience that no matter how picture perfect the life of the self-sourced may appear, it is never reality. A friend of mine was lamenting over a situation he encountered with one of his friends. This individual was the picture of the above condition. He had a beautiful wife and lovely children. His job brought prosperity, providing a beautiful home and all the amenities to make anyone happy. Yet, he left it all for another woman.
Congratulations go to those who embrace their helplessness. Flowing from their inner spirit is the acknowledgment of their total inability. They mourn with a spirit of receptivity to Jesus who infuses them with His nature. They “hunger and thirst” for all that is contained in Him. Jesus enlarges their capacity to embrace Him even more. He has become their one desire. I am a Jesus pusher!!!