I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled,” (Matthew 5:6). We must continually note the “severity” of Jesus’ words. None of them are token statements, but seem to highlight the radical nature of the case. Jesus chooses Greek words like “poor” (ptochos), which is the most severe word for poverty in that language. This is also seen in the comparison between the reasons they are being congratulated. The “poor in spirit” are in the state of the kingdom of heaven. They are not traveling or even on their way, but are presently experiencing this state. The “mourning one” is “comforted” by the action of the Comforter who comes to them in the “kingdom of heaven.” The physical world is at the disposal of the “meek.” Those who are starving are “filled.”
We encounter difficulties when interpreting a physical illustration of a spiritual truth. Our temptation is to read into the illustration more then what the speaker intended. When we study the parables of Jesus, we must consistently guard against this. In a sense, many of the Beatitudes are parables. This is especially true of the illustration of “hunger and thirst.” In interpreting a physical illustration of a spiritual truth, we must continually focus on the central truth. Whether true or false, there are many side issues, which are not the intent of the speaker. The focus of this beatitude is the “passion” of the inner heart for Jesus. It is an absolute focus of the individual on one subject, Jesus! He is worthy of this focus. I am a Jesus pusher!!!