I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled,” (Matthew 5:6). The Greek word (hoti) translated “for” is used in various ways. It is demonstrative. This means it introduces the object, contents, or argument to which the preceding words refer. It is casual. This means it is particularly equivalent to the phrase “for this reason.” Jesus congratulates the hungering and thirsting ones. It is because of the filling. While the verbs “hunger and thirst” are in the active voice, the verb “shall be filled” is passive. We have nothing to do with “the filling.” We are acted upon and supplied with the filling. “Filling” is in His hands exclusively. Our focus must be on directing the “hunger and thirst.”
I have discovered that I can direct and control my physical hungers. Those things I used to crave to eat and drink are now distasteful to me. Could Jesus direct me in the focus of my “hunger and thirst?” I do not have to develop a taste for Him; it is not acquired. He is the fundamental, ever present, and has always been there from the beginning, ‘hunger and thirst” of my life. Will I respond to Him? The “filling” need not concern me! In all of my other hunger and thirst my great concern was being filled. How long will it last? When will I need to eat again? “The filling” in every area of my life is His concern. I do not need to select the right foods, drinks, or drugs to bring satisfaction for particular areas of life. Having my needs satisfied is of no concern to me. He knows me; He knows my future; He made me. He supplies; it is all Him. There is no further concern. I am a Jesus pusher!!!