I am a Jesus pusher!!! There seems to be a natural division between the first four Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-6) and the last four Beatitudes (Matthew 5:7-12). The first four Beatitudes focus on our condition; when we embrace this condition and respond to Jesus we experience all He wants us to be. In the last four Beatitudes the focus is on what we become in Him and the unfolding ramifications of such.
Let me illustrate. I am poor in spirit, but in this helplessness Jesus embraces me. In that embrace, we (Jesus and me) become the Kingdom of Heaven. I am “mourning,” a response to my helpless condition, which allows me to be open to Him. The “mourning” opens the door for the Comforter to come and indwell me. I am meek, a state where Jesus comes in power and embraces every circumstance in my life with hope. Praise and adoration fill my heart because the circumstances of the physical realm display the accomplishment of His will. I hunger and thirst for Him. Never completely satisfied, I am always satisfied, because His fountain fills me.
Listen closely to the message. Congratulations to the merciful ones. They are not poor in spirit and being embraced. They are being embraced and are now merciful. They are not “mourning” and being indwelt by the Comforter; they have the Comforter and are merciful. They are not meek and experiencing His power. They are experiencing His power and are merciful. They are not “hungering and thirsting” and are filled; they are filled and are merciful. This condition of “mercy” is a direct result of what Jesus does in my life through the first four Beatitudes. Thank you Jesus; I am a Jesus pusher!!!