I am a Jesus pusher!!! The condition of a merciful one is a state of being (Matthew 5:7), not an achievement and not a discipline, but who we are in Christ. One is not merciful because he does deeds of mercy; he does deeds of mercy because he is merciful. Jesus sources me because I am “helpless.” I continually respond to Him in mourning. I am overwhelmed with the wonder of His person until I am consistently hungry and thirsty for Him. The natural state of such an existence is “mercy.” How can my heart not respond in “mercy” to the helplessness of my fellowman?
There is a lack of emphasis in the New Testament on “motivating people.” The early church had a nature burning in their bones. Evangelism was a natural result of the “mercy” state in which they dwelt. They simply could not help themselves. In the Book of Acts we read of these believers extending “mercy” in every situation. Luke describes the early church as providers to anyone who had need (Acts 2:45), often selling their possessions to participate in this act of mercy. As Peter and John go to the temple for the hour of prayer, the lame beggar cries to them. They can no longer ignore him. “Mercy” will not allow it (Acts 3:1-11). Even the separation of the Jews and Gentiles was eliminated as men came from Cornelius with an invitation (Acts 10). The same spirit that filled the Jews also filled the Gentiles. “Mercy” demanded it! I am a Jesus pusher!!!