I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Mercy” always has a focus (Matthew 5:7). I extend mercy to someone other than myself. In the culture of Jesus’ day, the concept of “mercy” was isolated to two areas. One was the pardon for injuries or wrongs, the content of the word “forgiveness.” The second was almsgiving. I am convinced Jesus takes us to a higher level as He addresses this issue in the fifth Beatitude. Since He used severe language in the previous Beatitudes, we can assume this is true concerning “mercy.”
Our English word “mercy” comes from the Latin word “misericordia,” which is comprised of two words. “Miserans” expresses the idea of pity, the expression of care and concern. “Cor” references the heart. Therefore, “miseria cordis” means “pain of the heart.” Of necessity, there are two issues involved in “mercy.” There must be an object in distress, suffering, pain or dismay. The inner heart of this person is deeply affected by their condition. Mercy is “a lively emotion of the heart,” a response to the discovery of another’s misery. This results in physical actions suited to the ability and nature of the individual. A merciful man enters into the pain of the one to whom he extends mercy. He feels and mourns with him. This is a perfect description of Jesus and His involvement in your life. I am a Jesus pusher!!!