I am a Jesus pusher!!! In the fifth Beatitude, (Matthew 5:7) Jesus’ focus is on a restricted group highlighted by the definite article “ho,” translated those. “Ho” precedes the participle “eleemon”, a verb acting as an adjective, and is reinforced with the demonstrative pronoun “autoi,” translated they. The pronoun does not need to be stated in the Greek, and is presented to us by the distinctive ending of the verb. In our text, “they shall obtain mercy,” the pronoun they is not needed. The Greek verb “eleethesantai” is completely adequate. The pronoun they indicates the ending of the verb. However, in our text the pronoun is in the ending of the verb and also in the clause stated by the Greek demonstrative pronoun “autoi.” It is there twice! Jesus distinguishes a limited group who qualify.
There are many people humanly merciful with a multitude of motives that cause their mercy. When someone extends mercy to another, their action gives a sense of power and superiority, a feeling of satisfaction connected with giving mercy. But mercy sourced from the human spirit is given only for personal benefit. Although one may humanly forgive others, he does not do it in all circumstances, all the time. These acts do not qualify a person to be in the group to whom Jesus refers, a restricted group of people being congratulated. This restricted group is divinely empowered; they become instruments of the Divine mercy from the Divine nature of God. Their helplessness is embraced by the unlimited resource of Jesus. They are instruments for the flow of His nature: mercy! I am a Jesus pusher!!!