I am a Jesus pusher!!! The Greek verb ”eleethesantai,” translated shall obtain mercy (Matthew 5:7), is in the passive voice, indicating that because they are merciful to others, they will now receive mercy for themselves. But is this correct? The passive voice states that they are not responsible for the mercy they experience. The actual English translation for the Greek verb is “they shall have mercy.” Those possessed by the “mercy nature” of Jesus flow mercy to others. Those who are in the flow of mercy will have mercy! There are physical acts of mercy expressed; however, they are an expression of the state of mercy in which we dwell. We are an extension of His mercy, which allows us to experience the state of mercy, His indwelling. Jesus is not saying, “If you do deeds of mercy, you will receive deeds of mercy in return.” Neither is he saying, “If you do deeds of mercy, God will have mercy on you.” The state of mercy is not the result of doing mercy; it is the cause. The merciful ones are those who dwell in mercy.
Jesus speaks with the same emphasis in the remaining Beatitudes. He says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). Those who see God dwell in a state of purity. He says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). Peacemakers are not congratulated because they shall obtain peace. They are peacemakers because they are sons of God. It is a state in which they dwell. Likewise, the merciful ones are congratulated because they dwell in a state of mercy. It is found in intimacy with Jesus; I am a Jesus pusher!!!