I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8). Jesus’ presence in my heart is the determining factor of salvation! This is the core of the message. I must embrace Jesus in my heart. Jesus solved the debate concerning the greatest of the commandments; He said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). This is a quotation from the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 6:5), and congregation started the religious service by quoting this. Was it so familiar they had forgotten it?
I ask you to consider your “heart condition.” Consider this statement; “The heart is every man’s best part, the shrine of his affections, the ocean of his thoughts, the store-house of the energies of his will; insomuch that there is not one of the multifarious responsibilities of life which he can worthily bear, nor one of its great duties that he can effectively discharge, until he has learned to put his heart into it. Least of all is it possible for religion to be of value unless it be suffused with the tenderness, glowing with the ardour, and resolute with the purpose of the heart. As we ourselves know that we have never won a man until we have gained his affection, so He who created and redeemed us insists that we have given nothing to Him until we yield our love. Consent of the intellect alone is nothing. Conviction of the judgment alone is nothing. Service of the hands alone is nothing. His grave, sweet voice still calls to, us out of heaven, ‘My son, give Me thy heart;’ and only when this is done can we be counted among His disciples. The seat of His religion is the heart; its effect is to produce purity of heart; its reward is to open the eyes of the heart.” (“The Heirs of the Kingdom,” by Rev. W. J. Woods, in The Christian World Pulpit, Dec. 31, 1890.). I am a Jesus pusher!!!