I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8). The law structure of the Old Covenant constantly proposed a basic premise. The purity of Jehovah’s heart could not tolerate the impurity of sin. This is demonstrated forcibly to Israel during the leadership of Joshua. He led the Israelites into the promise land. They advanced through Canaan, step by step conquering the cities. The walls of Jericho have fallen. Ai is the next city in their quest. Joshua sends spies into the city; they report it to be an easy victory for Israel. A reduced army attacks the city only to be completely slaughtered. Joshua is grief stricken and falls on his knees in prayer. God reveals sin in the camp of Israel, which hinders His involvement. After searching through the camp, they find Achan disobeyed the desires of God by hording the spoils of previous victories. Victory again becomes theirs when they correct this sin (Joshua 7). Impurity stayed the hand of God in the battle. All of Israel suffered because of one man’s sin. This highlights the severity of the proposition of the Old Covenant. Impurity and God are irreconcilable opposites.
Your life might be in total despair; what chance do you have to live above sin in purity? Purity is the message of Jesus! He not only provides forgiveness for my sin, but victory over my sin. In His cleansing of sin, He sources me with His pure nature. Jesus becomes the source of my living. The Gospel means “good news.” It is the good news of Jesus who brings victory over impurity. You and I can be the people God calls us to be through Jesus. No wonder I am a Jesus pusher!!!