I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). The Jewish religion of Jesus’ day drew to a startling conclusion. If the laws of God in their multiplicity actually served their purpose, they would drive every person to desire a pure heart. The fact they concluded one law might be kept perfectly brought them to the awareness they needed a focus. They must focus on only one thing if they were to accomplish it. This presented a problem. What is the one thing (law) above all others? What is the most important law, which should command their entire attention and effort? This created such a controversy that the Pharisees used it to test Jesus (Matthew 22:35). They selected a lawyer skilled in debate and argument. His question was, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” (Matthew 22:36). In other words, if all of the laws and religious requirements were to be integrated into a single goal, what would be the focus? This was evidently a raging controversy in the religion of that day.
Another lawyer in another situation asked a similar question to test Jesus. “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 10:25). His life had been focused on meeting the requirements of his religion. His studies and career were contained in the boundaries of Judaism. This is why he was a “law expert.” He joined with his fellow scholars in believing that laws and religious requirements were integrated into one focus. Jesus presents the one focus as “pure in heart.” If you are not pure in your heart you are not pure regardless of actions! Jesus must be this in us! I fully embrace Him today! I am a Jesus pusher!!!