I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8). It is the statement of all the Beatitudes. Jesus highlights one idea, one focus. The absolute helpless are embraced by the unlimited resource of His person; thus, in His embrace the Kingdom of Heaven is formed. What is the focus of need for the helpless? It is Jesus! The Comforter comforts those who mourn in their helplessness. It is in Him we find comfort. What is the focus of need for the comfortless? It is Jesus! The meek experience their physical world on a new level. His nature of meekness brings us to this experience. We need Him. Hunger and thirst for righteousness can only be filled in Him. He is the fullness of life. We experience mercy because of His presence; therefore we live and extend mercy. It is because of Jesus that I want to have a pure heart; my desire is for Him. In Him I find purity. Everything I need or desire for my life is integrated in Jesus.
In the Book of Ephesians, Paul highlighted the phrase “in Him” repeatedly in the first chapter. Everything God wants you to have is in Jesus. All spiritual blessings provided by God we find in Jesus. We have spent enough energy and valuable time looking elsewhere. Now is the time to come back to Jesus alone! We are not coming to Jesus along with other religious issues. We are coming only to Jesus, the Person. No wonder I am a Jesus pusher!!!