I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). This is the conclusion of all the preceding Beatitudes. The helpless are invaded by the unlimited resource of the Divine. In this invasion, they become the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who mourn are responding to the Comforter who embraces them. The assurance and security of His being invades the heart of one who responds in mourning. The meek are only congratulated because His nature of meekness invades the core of their being. This indwelling Meek One affects your physical life. To be in a state of mercy is to be merciful. Congratulation is ours because we are merciful. We are only merciful because we receive Him who is mercy. The purity found in our hearts is because we see Jesus. We see Jesus because we are pure in our hearts,
The Hebrew author wrote: “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). The main verb of the statement is “pursue.” It is an imperative, a command. This is a translation of the Greek word “dioko,” the same Greek word translated persecuted in the last Beatitude (Matthew 5:10). This Greek word can be positive or negative. “Force, zeal, and earnestness” is the undercurrent of the word. Peace and holiness are in the dative (direct object). They receive the action of this passion. The Greek word “choris,” translated without, means “separately, by itself, or apart.” In other words, no one will see the Lord apart from holiness and peace. The next Beatitude (Matthew 5:9) highlights peacemakers. To see God and not be pure in heart is impossible; to be pure in heart and not see God is impossible. I must embrace Jesus for the reality of purity and seeing God. I am a Jesus pusher!!!