I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). “See God” is a Hebraism; it signifies possessing God. The Greek word “optanomai,” translated see, has the idea of gazing with wide-open eyes at something remarkable. It should be noted there are five other Greek words that can be translated see. Therefore Jesus had several choices of Greek words to express what occurs in the life of one who is pure in heart. An individual being in possession of God is a radical concept. It is more understandable and acceptable to say that God possesses us. But the New Covenant brings about such a new linkage between God and man that it refers to it as “having God.” The early church Fathers referred to Christianity as “having religion.” In the Scriptures it is not indicated that people possess demons; however, demons possess people. In order for one to possess the other, there must be surrender, yielding oneself. God yields Himself to us who are pure in heart.
Jesus placed this verb “optanomai” in the middle voice. We are not being acted upon as we see God. This would be the passive voice. The pure in heart are not causing their ability to see God. This would be the active voice of the verb. The middle voice of a verb means “personal preference.” This becomes the heart’s cry of the individual who is pure in heart. Once the nature of God is experienced, the heart cries for the revelation of all that is God. Seeing and possessing Jesus is the driving passion of those who are pure. You can gauge your heart’s purity by how passionate you are to possess Jesus. Congratulations, those of you who have purity of heart. You possess Jesus and are a Jesus pusher!!!