I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:8). The Beatitude of peace does not just happen to be the seventh Beatitude. The opening Beatitude is about the Kingdom of Heaven. It is not a place or location, but a relationship. In my complete helplessness, I respond to the unlimited strength and resource of Jesus. I recognize that I am created helpless in order that I might merge with Him. In the embrace of His person, we become the Kingdom. This is maintained in my life through mourning. Mourning is the constant recognition of my helplessness, which produces a constant dependency on Jesus. This releases His nature to flow through me. I live in meekness, which is “a distinct calmness toward God.” I will submit every aspect of my life under His supervision and be energized by Him alone. The more I see Him the more I hunger for Him. Jesus always fills this hunger, which only creates more hunger.
As His nature flows through me, I am merciful. I live in constant mercy, so I always express mercy. As His nature flows through me, I am pure in heart. I live in purity, so I always possess God. I am also a peacemaker. This is a direct result of Him. He is the source of all peace. I am not merciful because of my superior discipline. I am certainly not pure in my heart because I have reformed my life. In both cases it is His presence. He is the source of mercy and purity. With no less fervor I can say He is my peace. I am only a peacemaker because of Him. I am a Jesus pusher!!!