I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:8). The Greek word “eirenopoieo,” is translated peacemakers. It is a combination of two Geek words. “Eirene” is peace, and “poieo” is to make or do. We have examined “eirene,” the first aspect of our word. Let’s discuss “poieo.” “Poieo” is contrasted with the Greek word “prasso.” Both words can be properly translated “to do, or make.” However, we often discuss the difference in the motive of these words. “Prasso” highlights routine, duty, or obligation. It is rote action, mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned. “Poieo” is the Greek word used to express trees “bearing” fruit. It is a result of something from within the nature of the tree springing forth to accomplish fruit. Jesus “did” or “made” miracles. He is always “poieo.” His miracles were a result of the inner movement of the Spirit of God, which could not be contained. Ministry springs forth from the indwelling of the Spirit of God.
You cannot learn peace. This Beatitude does not propose a seminar on “conflict management.” This is not a study of personality types and how to appeal to their differences. Jesus proposes we embrace God’s Spirit, making us the Kingdom of Heaven. Our helplessness embraces His unlimited resource and we become the Kingdom. This is a Kingdom of peace; we cannot help ourselves. It flows from our inner most being. It is because of the presence of Jesus! I am a Jesus pusher!!!