I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). When someone called me names to hurt me, my mother would always say, “Consider the source.” There is some name-calling in this Beatitude. Ultimately it is God who is the source. From what we know about Him, it must be good. Congratulations, God is speaking about you. He has nothing but good to say about you.
There is a parallel passage written by Paul. He opens his letter to the Ephesians with these words: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3). The Greek word “eulogetos, “is translated blessed. It is a synonym of “makarios,” translated blessed in the Beatitudes. It means, “to speak good things.” It is the root of our English word “eulogy.” Paul uses the word “eulogetos” three times in this one verse. It is used as an adjective, verb, and noun. In the context of this passage, Paul reveals all the good that God speaks about us. What is awesome about this is that they have all come into existence in Jesus. In fact, Jesus is the reality of their existence. Everything good that God desires for your life is in Jesus. There is no need in your life outside of intimacy with Jesus. He is all we need. I am a Jesus pusher!!!