I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). We are “sons (huios) of God.” We experience the fellowship of His life. This spiritual truth is emphasized by the absence of the definite article before the Greek word “huios,” translated sons. When the definite article is used, the emphasis is placed on the origin and the belonging. Without the definite article the emphasis is placed on the fellowship of life. In other words, the reason we are peacemakers is because we are in the fellowship of life with Him. We are sons of God and actually share His life or nature; therefore, we are peacemakers. This does not merit you the right to be called a “son of God.” However, you are a “son of God.” Therefore, you live in the fellowship of His life and are a peacemaker. Peacemaking is a result of fellowship and the full realization of our relationship with our Father. What a privilege.
This is understood clearly from the premise of the Sermon on the Mount. We are absolutely helpless, “poor in spirit.” Therefore, any thought of earning or meriting is absurd. We could never accomplish the fellowship of life found in being a son of God. He shares His life with us in our helplessness. We are new creatures; we are called “sons of God.” The moment I move from my helplessness to earn or merit, I destroy the relationship. Therefore, I constantly embrace my helplessness that I might experience Him. Jesus is my source. I am a Jesus pusher!!!